evan pricco

Progress... Setting up for the Juxtapoz show

Blogging has been a bit difficult since the week has been jammed packed with activities.  But we're catching up. So, here we go... "Weathering the Storm"

Saturday Jeremy's show opened in Laguna. It was beautiful. His work just keeps getting better and better, he's using a lot of colors and the statues are impressive as always. It was especially wonderful to see so many people come down from SF, and all over the place really, to support the silliest of pink bunnies, Mr. Fish. Will Barras even drove down from SF with Lidia, his lovely lady! Check out works from the exhibition here.


After Jeremy's Show, Evan Pricco (managing editor for Jux) and I began the grand task of prepping for the Jux Anniversary Benefit party.  This event is going to be amazing. Seriously.

On Monday we scoped the space and sat down with  SA studios to discuss details.  If you're not familiar with Sa studios, they are the creative agency for Mr. Cartoon and Estevan Oriol. The guys over there are some of the raddest guys of all time. And Mr Cartoon's cars are just unbelievable. Drool Worthy. More than drool worthy.

Now for some shots of the venue pre Jux/UP/Sa studios/ FIFTY24SF   magic......

Later Evan and I took the crane out to do some donuts in the parking lot.... or not. But, we considered it.

Ok so now we've brought you up to speed. Check back for more progress. A week with the Sa boys, Evan, and over 100 pieces of art to get hung...things will be getting interesting in the coming days.